The Sri Lanka Elasmobranch Project (SLEP)
Principal Investigator: Daniel Fernando. Project Managers: Akshay Tanna. Location: Fishery landing sites across Sri Lanka.
Focal Species: Mobulid rays since November 2010. All Chondrichthyes (sharks, rays, and chimaeras) since August 2017. Scientific Advisors: Rima Jabado, Debra Abercrombie, & David A. Ebert. Current Funders: The Ocean Park Conservation Foundation in Hong Kong, The Marine Conservation and Action Fund at the New England Aquarium, and The Tokyo Cement Group.
Growing demand for shark and ray fins and meat has led to increased landings of these vulnerable species in Sri Lanka. They are landed as a target or incidental catch (bycatch) in fisheries targeting tuna and billfish, using gillnets and longlines as the primary fishing techniques. Wedgefish, guitarfish, and stingrays have been observed across the country, yet are considered among the most threatened and least studied elasmobranchs in the world. Many are currently categorised as Data Deficient on the IUCN Red List, and in Sri Lanka no updated, comprehensive elasmobranch species list exists.
The declining shark and ray populations in Sri Lanka are putting not only these species in danger but also the livelihoods of fishers depending upon them for their survival. Communities across the country rely on sharks and rays as affordable sources of protein and as a means of employment.
In conjunction with the Sri Lanka Mobulid Ray Project, Blue Resources Trust is carrying out the first long term systematic study of shark and ray landings in Sri Lanka, seeking to gather vital data for the conservation of Sri Lankan elasmobranchs. The project will collect data on all sharks, rays, wedgefish, and guitarfish landed, with a focus on species listed on the CITES and CMS Appendices.
Primary Objectives
The project will conduct elasmobranch fishery surveys over multiple years on the east and west coasts of Sri Lanka. To highlight the magnitude and composition of Sri Lanka’s elasmobranch fisheries, baseline data will be collected including identification photos, dimensions, sex, maturity, fishing gear used, and catch location. Tissue samples will also be collected for genetic and stable isotope analysis.
Following on from Rex de Silva’s extensive work identifying shark species in Sri Lankan waters, the Sri Lanka Elasmobranch Project aims to update the species checklist and identify range extensions of species not previously recorded in Sri Lankan waters. International experts provide support, where required, to confirm species identification, while a partnership with the University of Edinburgh supports DNA barcoding and population genetics.
Additionally, this project has a focus on determining critical habitats to inform the development and implementation of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), developing and implementing methodologies to determine catch-per-unit-effort (CPUE), and questionnaire surveys to better understand the socio-economics of elasmobranch fisheries.
This project also aims to increase capacity by encouraging young researchers and graduate students to join our project and learn about these species and the importance of studying them, including at fish markets. Education and awareness programs will be conducted with stakeholders and governmental departments to improve the implementation of existing legislative mandates.
Cutting off the fins of a shark - the most valuable part!
Wedgefish being transported to a retail market for its meat.
Shark at the market awaiting the auction.